Deconstructing Faith Part 2

Photo by Loic Salan

Heresy: theological doctrine or system rejected as false by ecclesiastical authority. This is where church tradition becomes very important as well as an understanding of the original biblical text. When we hear something “new” in terms of a theological frame work that changes the beliefs that have been held for the past two thousand years, we run into trouble. There are three primary historical church backgrounds to which we should look to in terms of guiding principals to compare our current biblical framework. Namely, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox and the Reformation. These three major Christian branches have something in common that defines the parameters of what is orthodox, right teaching, or what is heretical. What do we believe about Jesus as told in scripture and defended by church tradition? The Reformation mantra is always a good basis, by faith alone, by scripture alone its most basic parts. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox would push back on this because of the authority of each church’s heritage. None the less, what does scripture say about Jesus?

There are three primary historical church backgrounds to which we should look to in terms of guiding principals to compare our current biblical framework. Namely, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox and the Reformation. These three major Christian branches have something in common that defines the parameters of what is orthodox, right teaching, or what is heretical.

What do we believe about Jesus as told in scripture and defended by church tradition? The Reformation mantra is always a good basis, by faith alone, by scripture alone its most basic parts. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox would push back on this because of the authority of each church’s heritage. None the less, what does scripture say about Jesus?


The study of the nature of Christ is the most fundamental doctrine that needs to be safe guarded and protected because that is why the New Testament was written. As the disciples and Paul started planting churches and fulfilling the great commission, there came people who sought to leverage power by claiming different teachings from Jesus and about Jesus. The first three Gospels were written to give this accurate account of what Jesus said and to solidify truth. John was not written until the end of John’s life and his audience already knew the historical accounts of Jesus. John’s account provides believers with a supernatural narrative to capture the heart of Jesus’ ministry. The first three Gospels were penned alongside many of Paul’s letters to different churches dealing directly with false teachings about who Jesus. It is in Paul’s letters that we find these false teachings that are no different than what is found today. We need only to look to scripture to find that since Christ walked the earth, people have misunderstood and/or attempted to change the truth.

The first three Gospels were written to give this accurate account of what Jesus said and to solidify truth. John was not written until the end of John’s life and his audience already knew the historical accounts of Jesus. John’s account provides believers with a supernatural narrative to capture the heart of Jesus’ ministry.

The first three Gospels were penned alongside many of Paul’s letters to different churches dealing directly with false teachings about who Jesus. It is in Paul’s letters that we find these false teachings that are no different than what is found today. We need only to look to scripture to find that since Christ walked the earth, people have misunderstood and/or attempted to change the truth.

The Colossian Heresy

In dealing with the Deconstruction Faith movement, the letter to the Colossians is very applicable. The very nature of Christ was called into question and Paul’s writes not simply to encourage the church but to clarify and logically defend Christ’s atoning work. A group of people had started blending components of Jesus, Judaism and Greek philosophy to create their own version of both Jesus and the means of atonement. This is the earliest signs of what would develop within the next couple hundred years known as Gnosticism. Paul doesn’t use this word; however, he does rebuke the tenants of this false teaching founded in Greek Dualism. Here is a list of the manmade philosophy and where Paul speaks against it. The body and spirit are separate, only spirit is eternal. (Col 1:15-20). Evil is in the material world, our body. (Col 2:9 and 13-14). Jesus had a body, so by default had sin. (Col 1:19, and 22). Only Jesus’ spirit was resurrected, not fully man. (Col 1:22, 2:9, and 3:4). His atonement is therefore incomplete. (Col 2:23)

There was a group of people had started blending components of Jesus, Judaism and Greek philosophy to create their own version of both Jesus and the means of atonement. This is the earliest signs of what would develop within the next couple hundred years known as Gnosticism. Paul doesn’t use this word; however, he does rebuke the tenants of this false teaching founded in Greek Dualism. Here is a list of the manmade philosophy and where Paul speaks against it.

1. The body and spirit are separate, only spirit is eternal. (Col 1:15-20)
2. Evil is in the material world, our body. (Col 2:9 and 13-14)
3. Jesus had a body, so by default had sin. (Col 1:19, and 22)
4. Only Jesus’ spirit was resurrected, not fully man. (Col 1:22, 2:9, and 3:4)
5. His atonement is therefore incomplete. (Col 2:23)
6. We must atone for our own sins while living so our spirit may live on. (Col 2:20-22)

The heart of all this is a false since of spirituality, things done outwardly that look righteous or religious. However, inwardly there is no change because sin is only dealt with on the physical level not the spiritual. Paul says that these practices are of little use in stopping the flesh. Which is the irony of this heresy, being that the goal of not sinning cannot be accomplished simply by trying on one’s own merit. also begs the question of the need for Jesus’ death and resurrection? Why would Jesus go through dying on the cross, only to force us to atone for ourselves? Which leads me to a foundational belief about Jesus. Either Jesus has done all the work for us, or he has not and therefore his work on the cross is meaningless. Here is the litmus test; if you accepted Christ right now as Lord and Savior and in the next moment are hit by a car, would you go to heaven? This is the root of the Protestant Reformation which sought to take the authority away from the Church and place it back on scripture. This really is no different than when the Great Schism when the Catholic church was split between the west and the east. The eastern orthodox church was birthed from this event which was about church authority.

This also begs the question of the need for Jesus’ death and resurrection? Why would Jesus go through dying on the cross, only to force us to atone for ourselves? Which leads me to a foundational belief about Jesus.

Either Jesus has done all the work for us, or he has not and therefore his work on the cross is meaningless. Here is the litmus test; if you accepted Christ right now as Lord and Savior and in the next moment are hit by a car, would you go to heaven?

This is the root of the Protestant Reformation which sought to take the authority away from the Church and place it back on scripture. This really is no different than when the Great Schism when the Catholic church was split between the west and the east. The eastern orthodox church was birthed from this event which was about church authority.

What does this mean for us?

Who do you say Jesus is and form whom are you listening to? To my catholic brother and sisters, I would say there is great hope and peace that you can find assurance of your salvation here and now. To those who have left the church because you have believed that Jesus isn’t who he said he was then I would beg you to reconsider. If not Jesus, fully and completely, then what do you have? Are you simply pursuing the pleasures of this world? Are you seeking to find salvation on your own merit; hoping the good outweighs the bad? Do you not understand that Jesus, not man, speaks to who you are and what you are to become? Paul says to the Colossians, “13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross” Colossians 2:13

If not Jesus, fully and completely, then what do you have? Are you simply pursuing the pleasures of this world? Are you seeking to find salvation on your own merit; hoping the good outweighs the bad? Do you not understand that Jesus, not man, speaks to who you are and what you are to become?

Then Paul says to the Colossians, “13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross”

What Now?

If you truly embrace the sanctification process that is focused on the supremacy of Christ to reconcile you back to God, there is action that must follow. This is another place the heresy errored. The actions do to preceded salvation, they come from an outpouring being made alive in Christ. “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:1-4).

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:1-4).

The Final Say

Gnosticism teaches that only our spirit lives on and all these material things pass away because of evil. However, evil is not material, it stems from an internal rejection of God’s law that leads to sinful thoughts that breed sinful actions. Jesus has a perfected body, he was resurrected and appeared to many people to prove that he had overcome death. So too will we appear, physically, with Jesus in glory, perfection. The internal rejection of God is nailed to the cross and the damage that has been done both spiritually and physically will one day be done away with. We will be made whole, body and spirit, as God originally intended for us to be.

Who do you believe Jesus to be?

In Truth & Love

Matthew J. Diaz

One thought on “Deconstructing Faith Part 2

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