My Second Book Award in the category

2019 recipient in Self Help: Spirituality

Book on display at Fuller Seminary Alumni Relations Lobby.

“He approaches the subject with humility, and he manages to portray Hannah in a surprisingly sympathetic light. Diaz sees every tragedy as an opportunity to learn from God—a perspective that seems to serve him well. There may be similar memoirs with more polished narrative structures, but the sincerity that pervades Diaz’s book does much to buoy its emotional impact.

An honest, loving account of losing someone and finding them again.”

Kirkus Review May 2019

The Book Walker: Book Discovery

“Through this book, Diaz details his and his family’s journey into losing a loved one — the pain, guilt, and the complicated process of healing from it. There is much that can be learned through the life and death of Hannah. It is a glimpse behind the closed doors of a family whose loved one is a victim of mental illness. More than that, this is also a story of healing..” – Kyrstle Manis July 2019

Amazon: 5 out of 5 stars

“I have had the opportunity to read through this book three times and have taken something different away each time. The story is tragic and compelling but the resolution is truly beautiful. What I most appreciate about the book is applicability—even if you’ve not lost someone, it provides a “road map” for processing grief and loss. Along the path that we follow with Diaz, there are questions and thoughts that I was able to take as a reader and reflect upon. I really appreciated that.” – A. Follower

“…even if you’ve not lost someone, it provides a “road map” for processing grief and loss.“

A. Follower July 2019

Amazon: 5 out of 5 stars

“I came to this book during a time when grief was threatening to swallow me whole. Someone close to me had just taken their own life and the intense struggle of pain, guilt, anger, and overwhelming confusion drowned out the world. I felt so alone. …And then – this book.

It felt like I was walking alongside him as he processed his grief…and lo and behold…I wasn’t alone and it turns out someone had found all the words I needed to hear.

I am so thankful for the raw vulnerability present in these pages. For pointing me to the deep beauty in the midst of drowning grief.”

Amazon Reviewer May 8, 2019 3 out of 4 stars

“I most like Diaz’s heartfelt honesty as he shares the painful memories of his own shortcomings in relating to his sister. He is brutally transparent, and at times, his emotions are raw. Anyone who has walked through mental illness or addiction with a loved one will relate to Diaz second-guessing his reactions to his sister. I also appreciate his willingness to share the lessons he learned from Hannah’s life and their relationship.” May 2019 3 out of 4 stars

“There were tears in my eyes while reading The Last Day of Regret, and I could empathize with the author when he explained how the amount of pain associated with death depends on factors like nearness to the deceased, their age, story, and how they died. I felt sorry to know how his sister’s death was a great blow to the family for all these reasons and can imagine what it could be like to be in their place. It is fathomable that Matthew regrets not being humble enough to express his gratitude toward Hannah when she was alive. What I liked most is the beautiful analogy he gives of Hannah as a prodigal daughter and himself as the elder brother in the biblical parable (Luke 15:11-32).” July 2019